Little Green Lives

low waste living, permaculture, homeschooling in the Pacific Northwest


Welcome to Little Green lives

A Family lifestyle blog with a hint of green.

Little Green Lives is the journey of our little family of six: committed to a greener lifestyle, a more minimalist existence, quality in our day-to-day, and embracing our natural world with bare feet and dirty hands.

Here you’ll find inspiration and ideas that are achievable – for even the busiest mums who, like me, are determined to make informed lifestyle choices and aren’t afraid of a little adventure


I feel very passionately about wanting to make the world a better place, one meal, purchase and decision at a time and being a positive role model for my little people.

I would love to inspire you to make a difference, empower you with the resources you need to make it happen and give you the confidence to provoke change in those around you.

Wow sounds quite profound when you put it like that but, ‘Like any distance traveled, it’s always more enjoyable with friends’. So welcome aboard, let’s learn, inspire and motivate each other.

So excited that you’re here

Thanks for popping in

